Last week, DigCit was roped into doing professional development for teachers. And on a half day, no less! However, reflecting on the session and the feedback that we recieved afterwards, I feel quite positive about how the whole thing went. It was pretty fun while it was going on- even teachers act like kids when they get the chance- and being able to teach them was an interesting role reversal.
I along with Lena presented an app called Peardeck. I personally very much enjoy using it, and I hope that came through in the presentation we gave. I had a good time showing off all the tools that it has, and explaining its potential to encourage participation and engage students during an otherwise boring lecture. The teachers seemed to like it as well- one came to me afterwards saying that I'd 'converted' her, and another even mentioned me by name in their feedback! I have a feeling I know who that was, but I'm not entirely certain.
However, as seems to be a trend with me and presentations, I forgot to mention some of the things that I meant to say. There's just so much I had to say and afterwards with some of the questions I recieved I got a little flustered, to say the least. I'd like to work on that, and even perhaps do some more PD sessions in order to increase my comfort level with talking about really anything at all.
I would have liked to have taken a position on my own project, of course- I think we all would have- but not doing that was fine. In fact, it was nice to give myself a crash course in something and then turn around and throw it at teachers while trying to convince them to use it. There's been as yet no safe space kit arriving at my door, and I'm starting to think it might not happen, but who knows. Pope Francis's arrival in DC appears to have disrupted even the postal service.
I hope any teachers reading this will respond and tell me what they thought or what they heard from other departments. While it's nice to have the positive feeback from the survey, constructive criticism is important too, and it's essential to improving at anything. My presentation skills especially need some work- so feel free to be honest. And students who encounter Nearpod, Peardeck, or vertical learning through Schoology discussions soon, talk about it! Say what you do and don't like, to teachers as well as your peers. This whole PD was about us. Let's make sure the implementation continues to be.
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