Yesterday in class, our class along with some other teachers and interested parties participated in a twitter chat based around digital citizenship and what it means to us. It's really my first time using twitter, so I was a little off, but it was interesting and good to see so many ideas flowing. Yesterday's twitter chat happened on #lncdigcit, and my brand-shiny-new twitter is @LuathUidhe, for the interested.
If I could run one for myself, it'd probably be based around discussing how being MOGAI and mental health entwine. They are often closely related, especially down here in the Bible Belt, so speaking to others who deal with both on the daily would have some potential for learning and catharsis.
Having a certain amount of people there would allow people to communicate with others both like and unlike them, connecting from places that they wouldn't perhaps have encountered otherwise. That's the power of social media in general. And as I stated before, being able to connect with other people would let them make friends and inform others about their own experiences.
This would obviously relate to my passion project, allowing education through social media while simply catalyzing instead of directly doing it myself. I don't know how effective it would be, how many people would actually be interested, but the world's a big place, after all. Who knows?
Last week, I said I'd be searching for a mentor at TOY, and I got the email of a few people who might be willing to help. That can be further nailed down, of course, but it's a step in the right direction. Everyone I talked to was very positive and excited, especially at the prospect of starting a GSA (Gay-Straight Alliance) at our school. I'll have to look more into that- I believe there's already a movement to do so, I'm just not involved in or informed about it- but there's places I can go.
Even when other duties and distractions are shoving me down hard, there's hope.
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