Friday, April 22, 2016

Prom Intensifies

I know everyone's talking about prom, but whatever. It's my first prom. I'm allowed to be cliché. I've made at least three shopping trips, had a three-hour appointment to get my hair dyed, and made arrangements to pick up friends and maybe even have a nice dinner before we arrive. It's going to be two hours of exhilerating fun- I haven't been to a dance since middle school, after all, and who knows what you're actually supposed to do when you go to those things? Does anyone actually dance? I sure don't know. I'll probably spend a lot of time standing around holding a cup of ambiguously flavored punch, but at least there'll be people I know and like to talk to, likely just as awkward as me.

But I'm not going to my school prom.

I'm going to the LGBT+ prom that Time Out Youth organizes every year, this year housed at the Van Landingham Estate. I feel infinitely more comfortable going there, as it has a much less strict dress code, allowing me to wear something that's not a ridiculously expensive dress, and as an added perk tickets are over fourteen times less costly than the school's prom tickets at $5 ($10 at the door). There's going to be food, friends, and as many flamboyantly dressed people as I can handle. 

I'd say it's going to be a good night. 

Friday, April 8, 2016

Day of Silence, Mark II or However Many of Things With This Title I've Blogged Before Plus One

The GSA meeting yesterday was a huge success. I managed to sign up people for table duty and create both a video and an announcement promoting the Day, and we still had time left to eat all the cookies people brought. I love being so engaged and productive, even though the GSA tends to be largely a social club, at least we can be corralled into doing things when it's necessary. 

It just hit me this morning that this is really happening. I'm really doing something. I'm really putting myself out there and people are going to see and I'm ready to face them. It feels good. I'm so excited. A week from today, something that I made happen is going to happen.

That said, if you're reading this, Monday and Tuesday of next week at lunch are the sign-ups, and on Friday everyone participating is going to meet in the MPR to get their palmcards and duct tape for the day. It remains to be seen how many people it's going to be- I'm hoping it's at least fifteen- but it's still happening, and I made it happen.

I made this happen. I'm allowed to be proud.